Building Relationships for Business and Career Success - 5 Part Series CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (includes CP002 through CP006 listed below) - by Lillian D. Bjorseth

Cradle-to-grave job security is gone. Building relationships is your key to controlling your career, your business and your destiny from your first job until you retire. You have one thing in common whether you are self-employed or work for someone else: People like to do business with and hire people they know and trust or people referred to them by people they know and trust. To be “the” one to get the sale or the job, you need to create, develop and maintain relationships with the right people to build social capital. Just knowing people is not enough! More than ever, you need to hone and enhance your networking and communication skills to make your interactions meaningful and you memorable. This series, based on what you do before you work an event, at the event and after the event, was created by the woman the Chicago Tribune calls a networking expert and the Association Forum of Chicagoland calls the business networking authority.

CP002 "Introduction to Relationship-Building" - 3 Hours

Building social capital is key to amassing financial capital. Advanced degrees and experience won’t help you get ahead when you lack “knob turners” to get you the appointment or interview. You invest money and earn interest to get more money; this process is about investing time to gain more contacts to build a new kind of wealth: relationships. You’ll get an in-depth look at what constitutes networking, the noun that has been turned into a verb and is a mainstay in business worldwide. Then you’ll start the networking process at the beginning by learning more about your natural networking strengths and limitations and improve your interpersonal knowledge as you also learn what makes others act and react the way they do... and, importantly how to improve your interactions with them. This first course in the series will lay the foundation for building relationships that last.

CP003 "Target Your Market and Set Goals" (Before the Event) - 2 Hours

To achieve maximum results from your networking efforts, you need to target your market and set goals. This can be a daunting task without proper guidance and, therefore, many people never do it. They lack the advantage that this vital tool can give them in their business and career success. This course will help you complete your personal relationship-building plan and help guarantee that the networking process works for you. Further, keep this plan handy so you can continue to refine it as you move throughout your career, either at the same company or as is more likely, as you change jobs or become self-employed.

Prerequisite: While not absolutely necessary, it will be helpful for you to have taken CP002, “Introduction to Relationship-Building” in the five-part “Building Relationships for Business and Career Success” series.

CP004 "Creating Effective Business Cards" (Before the Event) - 2 Hours 

Your initial words in any face-to-face networking interchange are so important that you need to craft them so they inspire, inform and intrigue others enough that they want to know more about you. This course leads you through the process of creating your Verbal Business Card, the front end of your elevator pitch, which also serves as the basis of your top-of-the-mind positioning statement, a must for every business person. It also gives you vital delivery tips that lead you into meaningful conversations so you will be memorable later. Your Printed Business Card also plays a crucial role in your relationship-building activities because it is often the first impression of your business. This course also provides myriad tips on how to create and use this powerful tool.

Prerequisite(s): While not absolutely necessary, it will be helpful for you to have taken CP002, “Introduction to Relationship-Building”, and CP003, “Target Your Market and Set Goals (Before the Event)”, in the five-part “Building Relationships for Business and Career Success” series.

CP005 "Work an Event with Ease" (At the Event) - 2 Hours 

You can do your homework, yet nothing can simulate actually working an event. This is when reality hits, and you have the face-to-face opportunity to build or strengthen relationships that will help increase your sales or get you the job or promotion you want … or to miss the chance because you don’t know networking etiquette or didn’t engage in meaningful conversations that made you memorable. There’s so much more to working an event than just showing up. This course details what to do from start to finish, giving you the framework to adapt to your style so you can succeed much more easily.

Prerequisite(s): While not absolutely necessary, it will be helpful for you to have taken CP002, “Introduction to Relationship-Building”, CP003, “Target Your Market and Set Goals (Before the Event)”, and CP004 “Creating Effective Business Cards (Before the Event)” in the five-part “Building Relationships for Business and Career Success” series.

CP006 "Follow Up Is Golden" (After the Event) - 2 Hours

You did your before-the-event preparation. You worked the event with ease, and now you have a handful of business cards. What do you next? You follow up, of course! You’ll learn how … from the importance of collecting and recording information on business cards for populating your database to follow-up methods from email, handwritten notes, e-zines or newsletters to the time-proven telephone calls, business meals and referrals. You’ll also learn how to recognize and respond online and on the telephone to the four styles of behaviors I described in detail in the first course

Prerequisite(s): CP002 (“Laying the Relationship-Building Foundation”) is mandatory. It is also strongly recommended that you have completed CP003, “Target Your Market and Set Goals (Before the Event)”, and CP004 “Creating Effective Business Cards (Before the Event)” and CP005 ("Work an Event With Ease”) in the five-part “Building Relationships for Business and Career Success” series. This will have given you the basis for what to do before and during an event.

Special price for all 5 courses(CP002-CP006) - $129.00 


Course Info
Enrollment Length 2 months
Extension Availability Yes, You can request a 30-day extension, for a $49.00 charge, a maximum of three times. It should be requested BEFORE the course expires.
Author/Instructor Lillian D. Bjorseth
Course Availability Worldwide

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Building Business Relationships - The Series

  • $129.00

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Tags: Relationship-Building, Verbal, Printed Business, Work an Event, Business and Career Success, follow-up, Certificate, Continuing Education, online, self-paced, networking expert, target Your Market, Set Goals, change jobs, Professional, self-employed, promote